What You Should Know About Tree Pruning and Tree Removal

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Trees are essential for our environment, providing shade, oxygen, and habitats for wild life. However, from time to time, tree services will be required to prune or remove trees. This article will explain why and when tree pruning or tree removal is necessary.

Make Sure Trees Are Healthy Before Pruning

The first step is to ensure that any tree being pruned is healthy and well-maintained. If a tree appears unhealthy, pruning may not resolve the issue. Additionally, if signs of disease or decay are present, it is best to contact a professional for advice on how to proceed.

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When To Prune

Knowing when to prune your trees is important. Generally, most trees should be pruned in late winter or early spring prior to new growth. It is also important to prune any dead branches as soon as possible so they do not become a hazard. Pruning should also be done with caution for older trees so as not to cause too much damage.

The Benefits Of Pruning

Tree pruning offers numerous benefits. It can improve air circulation and light penetration which helps the tree become healthier. Additionally, removing dead, broken, or diseased limbs improves the overall health of the tree, while reducing potential hazards from falling branches. Pruning allows the tree to focus its energy on more healthy areas so it can grow stronger.

Know When To Call A Professional

Tree removal requires special skills and knowledge that takes many years to acquire. Homeowners should never attempt extreme tree removal without consulting a professional tree service company. Attempting to cut down or trim large, hazardous trees can be extremely dangerous and could result in property damage or serious injury.

Tree removal companies use special tools and techniques for large tree removal, such as crane support devices, aerial rescue systems, rigging equipment, lift trucks, and chainsaws. A professional arborist can assess your situation and safely take any necessary action.

Tree Preservation vs. Tree Removal

In some cases, it is possible to preserve a tree’s health without physically removing it. Tree services like pruning, soil injections, and root fertilization can help improve the health of a tree, even when certain sections need to be removed. It is always best to leave a tree intact whenever possible, but in some cases, tree removal is the only option.

Whether you need basic tree pruning or more complex tree removal, it’s important to know when and how to take care of your trees. By understanding both pruning and tree removal, you can protect the environment and the safety of yourself and those around you.

Tree pruning and tree removal can significantly improve the health and beauty of your landscape. Pruning is a necessary practice that helps maintain the safety and aesthetics of your yard and can enhance the growth of young and mature trees. Pruning helps protect the tree from disease or structural damage by removing weak or damaged branches, and regular pruning encourages the tree to flourish in the long-term. When a tree is severely diseased or damaged, tree removal may be the only solution. Professional tree removal is complex and requires significant knowledge and experience of the tree’s condition and growth structure. Tree removal services are best employed when a tree has become a danger to people or property, is damaged beyond repair, is obstructing a construction project, is shading areas too much, and is blocking views or sun. Professional tree services are the key to ensuring the health and longevity of your landscape’s trees.