Tree Surgeons – An Expert’s Touch for Your Trees

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Trees are an important asset to any garden or field and require proper upkeep to maintain their growth and beauty. The careful hand of an experienced tree surgeon demonstrates the care and skill necessary to ensure these green giants remain healthy and safe. click here to learn more about the work tree surgeons do and how they can help you.

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Specialized Care, Focused on Trees

Tree surgeons, also known as arborists, are professionals specifically trained in caring for trees. They possess a unique understanding of each tree species, and how to prune, shape, and treat them in order to foster health and optimize their growth. A tree surgeon uses various specialized tools and techniques to provide comprehensive and professional care.

Wide Range of Services

The training of a tree surgeon allows them to offer a wide range of services, from basic pruning, trimming, planting and removal to construction, repair and installation of new trees, shrubs or hedges. In addition, they are qualified to diagnose and solve problems that trees may present, such as disease, rotting, insect infestation, fungus, broken branches and much more. Tree surgeons are usually hired by landowners, farmers, commercial companies, municipalities, and other organizations that need to manage trees in any capacity.

An Expert You Can Trust

Tree surgeons should always be certified by a relevant governing body, as this indicates that they have received the necessary training and possess the skills and qualifications to perform safe and professional work. And since improper pruning or other treatments can lead to serious damage to the tree, it is essential to hire an arborist to mitigate any risk that may arise from improper maintenance.

Tree Surgery – More than Just Pruning

Tree surgery covers a variety of activities, from regular pruning, trimming and removal of dead wood, to full-scale restorative treatments and construction. Notably, crown thinning involves selectively removing parts of the foliage to reduce wind resistance and allow more light into the canopy. This procedure should only be performed by an expert, as it must be done carefully to avoid damaging the tree’s structure.

Thinking Ahead – Implications of Tree Surgery

Tree surgery is an exciting and rewarding profession, but it is important to take into consideration the potential long-term effects of any treatment. Tasks like pollarding and coppicing involve cutting the tree back severely, and while these processes bring immediate visual results, they can sometimes cause structural weakness to the tree, which may require constant management or additional treatments in the long term.


Tree surgery is a job that requires skilled and informed practitioners. It is vital to hire a certified and experienced tree surgeon who understands the idiosyncrasies of each species of tree, and the potential implications of any form of treatment. Doing so will ensure your trees remain healthy and beautiful for many years to come!

Tree surgeons are highly skilled professionals with many years of experience in diagnosing, treating, and pruning trees in a safe and expert manner. They refer to themselves as “arborists” and hold all the appropriate qualifications for the craft. Tree surgeons are responsible for performing a range of services, including analysis and treatment of sick or suffering trees, to provide preventative measures for potential tree hazards and restoring a tree’s health. Other tasks carried out by tree surgeons include pruning and trimming away excess foliage, safely removing vulnerable, diseased, or dangerous limbs and branches, and providing nourishment and protection for vulnerable trees, either through soil enrichment or pest control. Tree surgeons are adept at what they do and are highly sought after for jobs where tree maintenance is required. They can safely complete a job, no matter the size or complexity, to ensure a tree remains in optimum health and condition.